Investment priorities
2025-26 total Australian ODA [budget estimate]
$1,210.2 million
2024-25 total Australian ODA [budget estimate]
$1,118.0 million
2023-24 total Australian ODA [actual]
$1,035.4 million
Governance: Building Effective and Accountable States
Our policy focus
Building effective and accountable states is the first of four areas of focus under Australia's International Development Policy. Australia prioritises investments in governance because it underpins effective and accountable states that can sustain their own development, deliver for and engage all citizens, are resilient in the face of external pressures and shocks, and are able to collaborate in addressing regional and global challenges. Where governance is effective, all other development outcomes are also stronger.
How we contribute
Governance remains DFAT's largest sectoral investment, with estimated expenditure of $1.118 million for 2024-25, an increase of 1.8 per cent ($20 million) compared to the 2023-24 ($1.098 million) estimate.
Australia's governance investments are tailored to each local context and respond to our partner countries' needs and priorities. We use a full range of program instruments and modalities and, aligning with our commitment to support locally led development, we work through partner systems wherever feasible – including with partner governments, civil society and the private sector. We balance global, regional and bilateral investments to optimise opportunities to strengthen state effectiveness and accountability.
In 2022–23, Australia supported 34 countries to strengthen their governance systems, with programs delivered by Australian whole-of-government partners, non-government organisations and United Nations agencies. Complementing Australia's bilateral support, our regional and global investments enable partner countries to access specialist expertise to help tackle governance challenges that span borders.
Our investments support local leadership, foster accountable and inclusive governance policies and practices, improve access to basic services and support businesses to thrive, including through
- supporting electoral processes, monitoring and logistics, and election management bodies
- supporting parliaments, audit offices, ombudsmen, anti-corruption, regulatory and law enforcement agencies, and enhancing public financial management and economic governance reform
- supporting media organisations, civil society dialogue and networks, and government-non-government partnerships for service delivery
- supporting women's rights organisations and organisations of persons with disabilities and helping to build institutional capacities to respond appropriately to the needs and rights of women, girls, persons with disabilities and other marginalised or vulnerable groups
- supporting human rights organisations and advocating for human rights in multilateral, regional and bilateral engagements.
Further information about our governance investments is available in the Effective Governance Development Cooperation Factsheet and country and regional Development Cooperation Factsheets